Assignments From the Infinite (Guild of the High Alchemists)


Congratulations and welcome to the Huna Qi Vesta Guild. Those who have completed the 60 days of consecutive ceremony with the Qi Vesta have integrated the cards and their concepts. What has been accomplished by each of you is significant and has produced profound growth. This has been the preparation required to move to the next level, the second level of High Alchemy.

The Power Wheel, Crystals and Angels given in the first assignment of the Huna Qi Vesta Guild are not to be shared with others. One who has not completed the consecutive work has not integrated the information needed to prepare them and it is not a gift to give someone a tool that they are unprepared to use.

The Precepts of Emergence may be shared with others.

~The Seer Almine

Format: PDF
Original Release Date: August, 2010


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