Labyrinth of the Moon


A valuable tool for opening up the deeper dream states’ communications, promoting the healing of the psyche, and the body as well as facilitating the balance of the Inner Child and other sub-personalities.

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The Poetry of Dreaming

This book contains many verses of the Poetry of Dreaming and extensive lists of the interpretations of dream symbols. It is a valuable tool for opening up the deeper dream states’ communications, promoting the healing of the psyche, and the body as well as facilitating the balance of the Inner Child and other sub-personalities.

Designed to release the hold of past incarnational cycles, it is an essential companion for practitioners of Shrihat Satva Yoga, but also a great book just on its own. This updated version includes graphics of the hands and feet depicting “The Body Parts as Dream Symbols.”

The unique Poetry of Dreaming communicates through omissions – that which is not said – imparting multiple depths of meaning revealing themselves as feelings and qualities. It is used to open non-cognitive communication with the deeper states of dreaming. This allows the issues of very old cycles of life to come to the surface for cancellation while sleeping or meditating.

To go into the depth of the psyche with the verses of the Poetry of Dreaming, where deeply obscured programs from past incarnations lie, is an adventure even greater than the exploration of the starry skies. The depths speak to us in non-cognitive ways that must be understood, for to do otherwise is to remain a slave to reactions and impulses that arise from them.

These communications open channels of inner guidance and produce unimagined clarity in our lives. They reveal the secrets of existence that lie buried like diamonds in the dust of our past inner experiences. They tell of the perfection of life and the sublime purpose of existence that far transcends the shallow assessments of cognitive abilities. Let the adventure begin…

Minikva ares prihat uruva hachte – “Within man are the answers to the starry skies”

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