The Yoga to Clear Past Incarnations
As an initiate reaches for a higher level of enlightenment he must walk a path of mastery that produces a state of internal androgyny. Having lost all other identities, a master must then also lose the identity of gender. This is necessary to balance the proactive and receptive qualities within.
Resolution of the 24 feminine and 24 masculine reincarnation cycles brings this desired state to fruition. This ancient practice of Shrihat Satva Yoga facilitates removal of debris from prior incarnations held in the physical form and the fields around the body. It is unique in that it uses the powerful combination of meditation, the Poetry of Dreaming, postures using pressure points of the body and Almine’s sound elixirs. All in all a very potent combination.
Devi Satva Yoga – Yoga of Illumination
All of the yoga forms that have come through Almine are collectively called Devi Satva Yoga, or “Yoga of Illumination”. It consists of Irash Satva Yoga (the Yoga of Abundance), Shrihat Satva Yoga (the Yoga to Clear Past Reincarnations) and Saradesi Satva Yoga (the Yoga of Eternal Youth).
In its original state, man’s physical form was meant to be self-purifying, self-regenerating and self-transfiguring. Being created, it was not real or eternal but could, through pristine living and total surrender, open gates in the body that would allow the Real to permeate and indefinitely sustain it.
Yoga, as a spiritual and physical discipline, has been practiced in many variations by masters and novices for countless years and is universally accepted as one of the most effective development tools ever created.
Includes the 24 Sound Elixirs for Freedom from the Dream and the Poetry of Dreaming Pre-Meditation as an MP3 audio download.
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