The Sacred Breaths of Arasatma

(12 customer reviews)


The Arasatma Breathing Technique was used by ancient mystics to activate the unused portion of the pranic tube for fuller self-expression and inner peace. A fully cleared and active pranic tube is the gateway to a magical life. In addition, these breathing techniques aid in the restoration of the subtle, etheric functions of the body and senses. This allows the practitioner to access other dimensions and prolongs an eternal life of graceful unfolding.



Alchemical Breathing Techniques of the Ancients

The Arasatma Breathing Technique was used by ancient mystics to activate the unused portion of the pranic tube for fuller self-expression and inner peace. A fully cleared and active pranic tube is the gateway to a magical life. In addition, these breathing techniques aid in the restoration of the subtle, etheric functions of the body and senses. This allows the practitioner to access other dimensions and prolongs an eternal life of graceful unfolding. This ebook doesn’t only share the first 3 levels of this powerful breathing technique but for the first time also publicly shares 3 follow-up levels to those who wish to continue their journey with this powerful transformative tool.

There have been prophecies given that in
‘The Time of Gathering’, the Seven Breaths of Eternal Life
shall again be known among men.
Then shall the magic of life be restored.

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The greatest light has always shone on Earth at the time of greatest darkness. And so it is that wondrous tools of great power and life-changing gifts are available at this time when the burdens of humanity seem to have increased as well. No longer hidden in mystery, no longer only available to the few who tread the hallowed halls of temples; they come to us openly, available to all who are able to recognize their inestimable worth. They speak to those who resonate to their holiness, even when they are not wrapped in the trimmings associated with the sacred.

Enjoy a sample of Seven Breaths of Eternal Life , received by Almine as part of this sacred breathing healing modality. A full version is included with the book.

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1:30 hours

12 reviews for The Sacred Breaths of Arasatma

  1. Jodie C (verified owner)

    I have wanted for some time to offer a testimonial for the Arasatma breathing techniques (and the 3 levels beyond), as I have experienced profound effects through their use. However, in sitting with how to share about my experiences, I have felt rather blank in how to express… until it occurred to me that I was approaching ‘logically’ the act of ‘sharing my experiences,’ and in essence, trying to verbalize non-cognitive impressions. I feel that at best, any words I share can only point to the profound expansive capacities inherent in the practices of the multiple levels of Arasatma. The alchemy of the meditative and physically transformative components is beyond my capacity to describe – transcendent perceptive capacity is a rather nebulous but heartfelt attempt to characterize, this sacred, potent series.

    The history of the retention of the practice of each breath is astonishing; deepest gratitude and respect to all who have maintained the living potencies of these sacred practices, for this depth of reverential service to the capacities of evolving life…. With this, as with all of the sacred insights and tools Almine shares through her work, I am in reverent awe of the potency and acuity of her pristinely embodied living of these teachings. The magnitude of such gifts is beyond conception… it is an honor to share this journey with others of such inspirational integrity….

    With out-pouring Love, Praise and Gratitude for the work of Almine

  2. Paul (verified owner)

    Combine the Arasatma with some or all of the Devi Satva Yoga and its truly amazing what occurs. Enjoy.

  3. Adėle (verified owner)

    The seven Breaths of Eternal Life are so powerfull. We did them every day at the retreat in Genk this weekend. Thank you Almine, Dave and Søren who taught us how to do the breaths. For me, especially the second level is very deep and transforming. Love it!

  4. Nikolaj (verified owner)

    The Arasatma is amazing. I purchased the book 3 days ago and it’s something else. Before I have used the techniques for a long time, but I used much less time. With the many descriptions, sigils and the music I am taking it to a much deeper level. This morning I used an hour and 5 minutes on level 3. It felt like much less time. I was really surpriced that so much time had passed. It’s an incredible tool. Out of this World. The effect is unbelievable. I am in awe. There is much more to it that I could ever imagine.

  5. Alex (verified owner)

    I JUST bought this yesterday! I feel like this is what I’ve been waiting to read for eons.

  6. Jane (verified owner)

    My heart sings songs of love, praise and gratitude to Almine and all those who have been involved in the sharing of this absolutely life-changing material.

    For the last 6 weeks I’ve been practising Arasatma regularly with great enjoyment and profound effects. I started by myself and then Avril and I started Skype sessions which have been tremendous fun. During the last 3 weeks of monumental changes, we’ve worked through all 6 levels, finishing up last Thursday night. Wow!!!! I heartily recommend this practice. I also heartily recommend sharing with a fellow student(s) as a fun and supportive way to enjoy even greater benefits.

    By the way, the artwork Almine developed for level 2 is amazing. This artwork (x7 for the 7 breaths) was available online as part of the course Gateway to the Magic Life or to purchase on the store. I had done level 2 quite a few times without the artwork to great effect, but merely opening the artwork on my desktop and glancing briefly at it adds serious oooooomph!

  7. Dhani (verified owner)

    Very cool indeedy! I just completed the Level I and I feel like a million bucks! Today is day 2, post Arasatma level I. I am still able to feel the open Lahun chakra, like a big hat above my head….too funny. I’m feeling like a big, self sustaining, turbo engine. Lots of power in the body. I’m skipping and jumping around. Bobbing around more than walking. Also found the sigils in the book from the Whale library, work the body alchemy pretty good.

  8. Niels (verified owner)

    You would think that after all these years Almine has nothing more to teach, nothing new to share. Nothing can be further from the truth. This book is a “monster” (in the most positive sense of the word!), it is just so packed with information. Not only on the breaths, but on abundance, sexuality, eating and on and on it goes. Almine absolutely is an inexhaustible fountain of knowledge. The pages are filled with exercises, background information, deeply metaphysical information and more. I’ve only done the first 3 levels so far, but am enjoying them greatly. Can’t wait to continue with the other levels that are shared. What a book!

  9. Avril (verified owner)

    Hurrah! I absolutely agree, the Arasatma is a powerful tool which also has a practical effect on the body. We did levels 4-6 this week and it is truely amazing, yet I feel I have just scratched the surface of the potential within.

  10. Sujata (verified owner)

    The Arasatma breaths are beyond amazing…

  11. Holly (verified owner)

    I just purchased the ebook and quickly looked at the pages. Some of the sacred sigils put me in a trace of complete bliss. Looking at the Angel God sigils brought me to tears – hello beloved friends. Almine continues her outpouring of blessings upon all of Creation. I feel the sacred miracle of just knowing of her existence; let alone viewing, reading, breathing her work. Thank you. Thank you. How fun and joyous it is to express in physicality.

  12. Sharon (verified owner)

    Two disturbing debilitating symptoms related to illness disappeared after practicing Level 1 very first time.
    Enough said. Thank you. PLGT.

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